Wednesday 4 November 2015

'Guardians of the Galaxy'- Groot

There is an interesting article about the character 'Groot' in the film, 'Guardians of the Galaxy' and the article has discussed if an animal plant hybrid is possible or not. Groot is an Animal Plant Hybrid which is inspired by trees and he can walk, see, hear and feels. He can even talk like a human as well although he only can say "I am Groot". Although Groot's appearance looks like a plant like character, but he can move very fast which is more likely to be an animals. 'Animals have "squishy cells" that can move past one another, making muscles feasible, Gilroy said. But a hard wall encloses each plant cell, and neighboring cells are glued together into a rigid grid.' Plants only make movements when they are growing because they need sunlight, so they move towards the sun.The article also gives another example that the Venus flytrap's 'Acid released at the flytrap's hinge softens cell walls and makes them expand quickly.' which suggests that plants can make make movements as well. 'Plants have specific photoreceptors, which are proteins that respond to different wavelengths of light. They "know" when they're touched, Simon Gilroy, a professor of botany at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, told Live Science.' The quote suggests that plants can also feel as well, like animals. 
In 'Guardians of the Galaxy', Groot has got unlimited growth and regeneration, like the plants as it 'commonly regenerate lost limbs.' But animals can't regenerate and have unlimited growth, only some animals which have simple body plans, for instance, planarian worm can regenerated.
Groot's character is done by computer generated programme and I lie the line patterns of the woods on his body and how detail the wood and roots on his body are. The way how the wood and roots go on his arm and body reminds me of the human muscles and veins. I like the way how Groot has no nose and its flat on the nose area which makes his plant character more realistic. I also like there are green color on the wood which I think might be to symbolise he is a living creature.


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